Then she studied on your site and got a 299 on the QR and a 292 on the AAF test, so she is good to go!Your website is very well planned to maximize results while minimizing time investment. The first time, she took it cold and scored a 270, so she was not able to move on to the AAF test. The school required a score of 279 on the Quantitative Reasoning test to move on to the Accuplacer AAF. My daughter used to prepare for the Accuplacer math placement test at her university. Although ALEKS gives you 3 attempts to take the test, I didn't want to have to retake it if I didn't have to.Anyway, I finally took the plunge (ALEKS Assessment attempt #1) and tested out of the prerequisite courses!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm not exaggerating when I tell you I was close to crying when I saw my results.The lessons were everything I could hope for and more. 🙂 I had a high hope that these lessons, by some miracle, could possibly help me to test out of any prerequisite classes I would need. You explained things in a "relaxed and casual" way, which made the lessons seem more personable and one on one. I found that your lessons specifically, were the ones I was able to most understand. With that being said, I found the Mathhelp site, saw that there were great reviews, and decided to give it a try.Going through the lessons, some concepts that I didn't understand in high school, somehow made plenty of sense this time around. I knew that there was a possibility that I would have to take additional courses before I was permitted to take the courses I need for my degree, and that would have pushed my graduation time back, depending on how I performed in those classes, first. Math hasn't always been my favorite subject, but as I'm getting closer to completing my degree, I could no longer avoid it. Your lessons were phenomenal, and I would be remiss if I didn't give proper feedback.Let me just start by saying I have been putting off (and dreading) taking the ALEKS Math Assessment for about 2 years now. Beyond the teachings the UI of the website and how smoothly everything worked was definitely a surprise for me. If I ever encounter a period in my life and schooling again where I need help on math I will surely come back to math help. There was material that I struggled with really bad in high school that I immediately was able to grasp during your lessons. For me my main issue in school was when the teacher would ask “ok does everyone understand it? Ok awesome moving on now” I was always not ready to move on because there was never enough repetition for me to really truly understand the material I was working on. I loved having the practice portion and always felt there was enough to practice on to really nail it down.

Each video was at a very easy pace to follow it was clear and to the point.

I don’t remember having any issues going through the lessons, and always felt more than ready moving to the practice portion, then the test portion of each lesson.

I only got 2 questions incorrect on the math portion of the TABE test. I was more than satisfied with the math help program. I now feel fully prepared for the College Algebra class I'm taking next semester. The three instructors are great and teach each subject clearly and in a detailed manner.Whether your child is struggling in elementary school, or you are a college student who needs some extra help, is the solution to your needs.I aced my placement test. The videos really make it so easy to learn. The reinforcement of each concept is helpful.
#Cbest math practice test 2021 how to
If you get one wrong, you are given a step-by-step explanation on how to get the correct answer. The video, followed by practice, followed by the questions were so easy to follow. I went through the entire course and took the final exam a few times as reinforcement.The courses are put together in an easy-to-follow manner and provide everything you will need to pass any math test. The course covers everything you will need to know. I came across many sites, but had the best setup, so I signed up. I needed to study and searched for online courses. To avoid prerequisite math classes, I needed to pass their placement test.It has been a “a few years” since I took a math class. I need to take College Algebra to obtain my degree. I am a 50+ who decided to go back to school late in life.