Stretch armstrong toy
Stretch armstrong toy

Stretch Armstrong had no ability to delegate.

stretch armstrong toy

Over time we must take care of ourselves to ensure we can be stretched in a million directions and return to the perfect shape and size from event to event. They are in perfect mental and physical condition and they are ready for the road ahead. The day a leader walks in the door is the equivalent of the day a kid takes a Stretch Armstrong out of the package. Leaders are supposed to put on a face of confidence and flawlessly move from one meeting to another essentially molding their bodies and minds back to the perfect shape they were hired in. We’re expected to be somewhat unflappable through the challenges and always go right back to the original shape they found us in. Our team needs something, our leaders need something, we have deadlines to accomplish, projects to move forward, airplanes to catch, internal and external customers to please, and we’re supposed to do it all with a smile. While Stretch Armstrong still lives on today with larger options, mini-options, and toys that resemble his likeness one thing remains the same, if you stretch, push, pull, bend, and mold the blond bodybuilder too much, he will still break with hard to fix wounds.Īs leaders we are stretched, pushed, pulled, bent, and molded into many situations, and directions each day.

stretch armstrong toy

There was no corn syrup in an AT-AT Walker or a Han Solo figurine. The R&D department was apparently struggling to come up with ideas as Armstrong was released by Kenner in 1976 and in 1977 they landed the contract for Star Wars changing the history of the company forever. A brand new 15” bag of corn syrup which was the secret behind his ability to stretch.

stretch armstrong toy

The only thing that could actually fix him was to throw him away and start over with a new $11 toy. The fix was a reported adhesive bandage that was rumored to never actually work.


Kenner gave detailed instructions on how to fix a tear in Armstrong’s body, should you get a little too overzealous and stretch him beyond his limits.

stretch armstrong toy

The marketing campaign was brilliant as it featured words like “stretchable super hero,” and “he becomes bigger than a building,” and my favorite, “you can tie him in a knot and he goes back to his original shape.” The campaign continually used the terms, “stretch him again and again.” Of course, too much stretching from overly ambitious children and he could easily tear. He was a modern day superhero without the comics where kids could pretend to fight crime with extending his arms. You can walk the toy aisles now and see how Armstrong made a big impact on kids as the concept of a bendy, stretchy and moldable toy is still evident today.Īrmstrong was featured as a blond hunk of a body builder type who could handle the pressure to be stretched and manipulated. Priced at $11 when it first hit the market, vintage boxes sell on the open market today over $700. Armstrong was the first toy of its type to hit the market and a hot item among kids during that generation. He was billed as the toy that could be stretched up to 4x his original size, which was 15”, without tearing or breaking. Awesome! In 1978 i wanted stretch armstrong so bad that i told mom and dad if i could get stretch thats all i wanted! We were very poor then,turns out i got him! Oh man christmas morning was the best ever that yr! I took him every where we went that day and the last place we went something bad happened! To this day im not sure what happened or by who or anything but stretch had a hole in him and was bleeding sticky sticky syrup blood everywhere! We tried everything we could to fix him but nothing would hold!after everything failed i put electrical tape on him to get as much time with him as possible before he shriveled up to nothing!😭,we ended up throwing him out which now i realize was the dumbest move of my life! Oh well live and learn,The new stretch is exactly like original just a lit tle less defined? They say they use the plastic or silicone mold rather than the original aluminum mold that left him much more define muscle lines and fingers and toes.u just cant see the fine definition lines of his abs and quads and fingers as good as original stretch and his shorts are painted on and start to scratch off after a short time unlike original stretch had cloth shorts.Kids love toys that they can pull, bend, stretch and push to the limits and that’s what toy company Kenner introduced to the world in 1976 with Stretch Armstrong.

Stretch armstrong toy